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NEW UN Report: 820 Million People Facing Hunger Need Our Support!

By Maggie Luckadoo on July 15, 2019

This week, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its 2019 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report. We learned that unfortunately, the number of people facing hunger worldwide held steady at around 820 million from the previous year.

This number represents about one in nine people. The report states that hunger is on the rise in almost all African subregions, and is also slowly rising in Latin America, the Caribbean and Western Asia. While disappointing to read, this report underscores the fact that efforts to end hunger by 2030 are more important than ever before. We feel even more confident that our Zero Hunger mission is critical, and we know we cannot achieve it alone.

Ready to take action? There are so many ways to get started from right where you are!

Sign up to host a meal packaging event. 820 million people worldwide need nutritious meals, which provide strength for the journey out of hunger and poverty. Our events provide an exciting, hands-on way to make an impact, and we bring everything to you!
Donate today to plant seeds of empowerment through agriculture. Farmers are some of the most food-insecure members of society in developing countries. We’re working across the globe to assist farmers by providing resources and training.

Spread the word! Ending hunger will not be possible without the support of millions of hunger champions around the globe. Please help us get the message out via your social media networks.

Thank you for your unwavering support! Together, we will reduce the number of people facing hunger every day from 820 million to zero.