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Stories from the Field

The Secret to Angie's Happiness

Janae C Author
By Janae Curtain on January 9, 2020

As a child, was there a special person you looked up to and admired? Sometimes our childhood role models come in the form of a family friend, mentor, or even a coach. Growing up in Guatemala, 10-year-old Angie has big dreams of becoming a veterinarian and giving back to her community. However, she hasn’t always had the energy to fulfill her goals. Between the love and care provided by her family, teacher and cook at school, Angie’s happiness continues to grow each day. Whether at home or school, she is filled with energy and ready to jumpstart her future. Who knew that her secret for happiness and following her dreams would come from her support system right in her own backyard?

Living in a sanitary landfill with limited access to various economic resources, Angie’s family and their community faces unsafe living conditions and little access to food. With six siblings at home, she spends most of her time at school and helping to support her family.

Since attending the Francisco Coll Education Center, Angie is able to receive Rise Against Hunger meals distributed by our partner, CARE.

“I really like rice. I feel more full of energy to play and study,” Angie said.

At the center, Doña Ana prepares food every day for Angie and other students. On a daily basis, Ana works to make the food with excitement and ensure that every student feels energized at school.

“Children are happy at school because they have food to eat, I treat them with a lot of affection,” she said.

In February 2019, the center received a donation of Rise Against Hunger meals, providing meals for more than 252 school children.

Doña Ana shares that she has seen great improvement in the children after receiving the meals.

“Now the children ask for more food, they even ask twice!” she says.

Doña Ana is also currently studying accelerated first and secondary school for adults. She hopes to finish high school to fulfill her dream of becoming a chef. She shares that the secret for children to like the food is the love with which she prepares it.

Alongside the staff at the center and with partner CARE is Ana Victoria Semeyá Ramírez. As a teacher within the Rise Against Hunger and PepsiCo program, she provides support related to food and nutrition to more than 550 families in her own community, as well as those in the surrounding area.

In addition to providing support, Ana Victoria teaches the mothers in the community the benefits of consuming proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Today, the mothers understand the benefits of Rise Against Hunger meals and how they have helped their families’ nutrition.

“Now the educational centers have a better feeding system and therefore a better nutrition, the children are no longer hungry,” Ana Victoria says.

Ana Victoria’s favorite part is sharing with the people of her community, being a channel of support for schools. She shares, “These are small things but important that I can do for my community.”

Ultimately, being a role model can play an important part in a child’s life. Sharing the same commitment to her community that Doña Ana and Ana Victoria have, Angie strives to make a difference.

To contribute to a child like Angie or help a family in need, sign up for a meal packaging event or donate today!