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Stories from the Field

Young Student in Uganda Shows Heroism in the Face of Hardship

Janae C Author
By Janae Curtain on August 7, 2019

At just 15 years old, Enock has been hailed as a hero among his peers at the Don Bosco Children and Life Mission (CALM) center in Uganda. Despite facing incredible hardship, Enock has continued to show an unwavering commitment to helping others. Whether by helping to save a child from a snake bite or ensuring that other children at school receive nutritious meals every day, Enock works alongside the school’s staff to improve the lives of those around him.

After the loss of his parents, Enock migrated with his younger siblings to the CALM center. Located in Namugongo, Uganda, the center houses about 165 children, including refugees from South Sudan, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. There, Enock was welcomed by Rev. Elie, and the staff noticed quickly that Enock and his siblings were malnourished and very sick.

“I knew that he needed a consistent diet and medical assistance,” Rev. Elie shared. “Since we started receiving Rise Against Hunger meals, this was our primary source to improve the lives of children in our home.”

Rev. Elie appointed a nurse to look after Enock. Once his condition improved, Enock promised himself that he would dedicate time to taking care of his younger siblings and other children at the center.

He began taking classes at the primary school funded by CALM. Enock also took on the challenge of assisting the staff by helping others.

When he noticed one of his peers had fallen ill after a snake bite, Enock immediately ran to get help. His sense of urgency not only helped to save the child’s life, but also prompted the center to take action by creating a new crisis plan.

Enock quickly learned about the importance of eating nutritious food, including Rise Against Hunger meals. With a new balanced diet, Enock began to feel a sense of empowerment.

“I wouldn’t be able to help people if it wasn’t for my own strength,” Enock said.

While Enock has shown heroism in his care for his peers, he had a hero of his own all along: Alobo, a nurse at the center, helped to care for him from the moment he arrived at the center. Alobo says she has seen a great deal of improvement in Enock’s overall health, and has also noticed the change in other children at the center.

Alobo is known for training other nurses, and for providing counseling for the children in her care. Her motto, “A patient is my profession,” is what keeps her high-spirited and encouraged every single day. Her ultimate hope is to see more children like Enock take charge in their community and strive to make a difference.

Enock dreams of becoming a pilot to travel the world and help others. In the meantime, he wants to be a leader and help save the lives of children in his village.

This back-to-school season, we hope you’ll support children like Enock in schools around the globe as they follow their dreams! Donate today to provide a student in need with a new backpack full of school supplies, along with ongoing support for the journey ahead.